Music Ministry

Music is a wonderful creation of God ... and it is a powerful medium for praising and worshipping Him. At West Hampton Baptist Church, we have opporrtunities for those who have a desire to use their God-given gifts/talents for His glory.

Celebration Choir

Our main worship choir leads in the Sunday morning worship service and is comprised of people who love the Lord and desire to live in such a way that pleases Him. Although this is not an auditioned group of singers, a brief interview with the director is expected. Choir rehearsals happen on Wednesdays at 7:15 pm.

Senior Adult Choir

A vibrant part of church life at West Hampton Baptist Church is our community of senior adults. Those interested in singing their praise to the Lord are invited to join rehearsals on Tuesday mornings at 11:00 am. Weekly preparations are made to sing in worship services. And in the process, great fellowship is enjoyed by all! The Senior Adult Choir meets during two semesters per year: Fall semister is September--November and Spring Semester is March-May.

Kids Choirs

Our Preschool Choir, led by Sheila Rogers, is designed for children under the age of 5 and Children's Choir, includes children from grades 1-5. Both choirs meet on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm and enjoy exploring the goodness of God within His world of music.


Some people do not feel comfortable singing in a choir but are gifted instrumentally. For these people, arrangements can be made to be involved with worship-leading through their instrument. If this describes you, please contact the Minister of Music, or the church office to discuss possibilities.


The most important "choir" at West Hampton Baptist Church is found in the pews during every Sunday worship service. As our Audience of ONE, God loves to hear His children sing their praise to Him as we gather to give Him worship. Everyone in the service is encouraged to be a participant - not a spectator in the worship experience.