
Worship Times

  • Sunday School 09:00
  • Worship 10:30 with Pastor Phil Richards (Interpreted ASL)

    Worship comes from the old English word "worthship" and is literally defined as ascribing worth to someone or something. In our context as a family of faith, we gather to worship (ascribe worth to) Christ. Every part of our experience is directed to the object of our worship which is Jesus Christ. Our desire is to exalt Christ, be changed by the experience and witness His work of drawing people to Himself.

    The worship of God is at the heart of every believer. And He is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. (John 4:23) To love God with all one's "heart, soul, mind and strength" speaks to worship as being a Christian's lifestyle. Here are some thoughts about worship at West Hampton Baptist Church:

    Worship is:

    Corporate. Corporate worship is a unique and rewarding experience for the body of believers. God created us to be together, and when we worship Him together there is an unleashing of God's presence that is difficult to explain but a joy to behold. And at West Hampton Baptist Church you will find people wearing everything from jeans to suits. You will be warmly received regardless of your attire.

    Private. Worship should be a believer's lifestyle. Everything we do should be pleasing to our heavenly Father. When we please Him, it is an act of worship.

    Creative. Dont worry if you are not a "creative" person. We serve a very creative God! And He has lots of ways to draw us to Himself. Many people confuse the creation with the Creator. Someone once said, we are never more like God than when we create. Remember, it is not the beauty of the THING we create, it is the condition of our heart that God is most concerned with. You are His creation!

    Video live-stream & archive of worship services can be found on our Youtube channel & Facebook Page.